Stewardship Talk by Josh Warren
Stewardship Talk by Susan Langan
Stewardship Talk by George Bermingham
The Impact Your Gift Will Have...CHILDREN encounter and come to know the love of God in Jesus Christ in Sunday School…
YOUTH find a safe home away from home where they are loved for who they are regardless of GPA, SAT score, on the team, or in the cast… BUILDING is maintained with lights, heat, and air conditioning to keep us comfortable and safe… MEALS are served to a hungry person in Rogers Park every day, 365 days a year, through our food and mission dollars given to A Just Harvest… PEOPLE who otherwise would not have a place to lay their heads, have a home at the Jonquil Hotel in Rogers Park, thanks to Good News Partners and the gift of our mission dollars… MUSICIANS and Section Leaders lead our beautiful music giving thanks and praise to God through worship… BIBLE STUDY and Small Groups keep people connected and faith growing… A CHURCH where God is worshiped with minds as well as hearts, where there are tears of pain and heartache, wonder and joy…where laughter is the anthem of the people and the choir the very voice of God…where diverse folks break bread together and the offering plate is full of people… A COMMUNITY of faith where open minds thrive, and wonder and mystery are welcome guests seated beside our doubts and honest inquiries, where difficult issues are wrestled with and we agree to differ, resolve to love, and unite to serve… PASTORAL CARE is provided for those who are hurting, grieving, ill, whatever the need… COUNSELING is provided for those who seek it through our mission dollars to SamaraCare Counseling… CHURCH STAFF is paid and provided for… PARENTS AND CHILDREN in transition are housed and fed for a week at a time at WPC through our mission partnership with Family Promise… A HOME where we gather to be held in the gentle strength of God’s loving arms confident that in life and in death we belong to God… And so much more… |