Ruling elders and deacons are men and women elected by the congregation from among its members. The nomination and election of ruling elders and deacons shall express the rich diversity of the congregation's membership and shall guarantee participation and inclusiveness.
Book of Order, G-2.0401
The Session (Ruling Elders)
The session (is made up of ruling elders elected by the congregation and) is the council for the congregation.
It has responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness.
The session has the responsibility and power to:
Provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard.
Provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received.
Nurture the covenant community of disciples of Christ.
Book of Order, G-3.0201
WPC Elders
Class of 2025 George Bermingham (Stewardship) Tom Eilers (Mission) Scott Martin (Finance) Kendal Reis (Youth Ministry)
Class of 2026 Judy Mckee (Worship) Emily Marshall (Christian Formation) Christina Swartz (Matthew 25) Josh Warren (Personnel)
Class of 2027 Bill Witt (Buildings and Grounds) Mike Ray (Fellowship) Kathy Fink (Membership)
Rev. Paul Gilmore, Moderator Kathy Fink, Clerk of Session Bill Bringham, Treasurer
The Board of Deacons
The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.
Book of Order, G-2.0201
WPC Deacons
Class of 2025 Matt Baker Liz Berwanger Ryan Reis Jolanta Szefer
Class of 2026 Katie Laabs Megan Witt Carrie Waterston AnnMarie Harden Nancy Person
Class of 2027 Ania Cramer Cyntha Dallmeyer Alison Matthews Bill McNair