Confirmation is the process by which youth publicly profess their faith before the congregation and become individual members of Winnetka Presbyterian Church.
Presbyterians practice infant baptism as a reflection of God’s freely given grace – humans are loved by God and forgiven through Jesus Christ before we can even understand this grace. As young people mature, they have the opportunity to publicly claim their faith and affirm promises made on their behalf in baptism through a time of study and spiritual growth called “Confirmation.” Each faith journey is different – youth don’t need to have been baptized as an infant or raised in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation to participate.
What Do We Study?
Confirmands meet regularly for fellowship and study through the school year. We study the Bible, the sacraments, the church, the Trinity, worship, church history, and Reformed & Presbyterian Theology. Youth will grow in spiritual maturity through relationships with each other and adult leaders and teachers.
Is Confirmation for Me?
We encourage 7th-8th grade youth to participate in the Confirmation Class. However, there is no “magic” age at which youth should participate. Any youth in 9th grade or higher who has not joined in a Confirmation Class either at WPC or at a previous church is also invited to participate.
Visits to Houses of Faith
As part of our Confirmation journey, our young people also learn about Judaism and Islam, the other two Abrahamic faiths. We visit and observe worship at Morton Grove Community Center and Temple Jeremiah.
Confirmation Sunday 2024
Gracious God, by water and the Spirit you claimed us as your own, cleansing us from sin, and giving us new life. You made us members of your body, the church, calling us to be your servants in the world. Renew in our young people the covenant you made in their baptism. Continue the good work you have begun in them. Send them forth by the power of your Spirit to love and serve you with joy, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Nancy Holly Director of Children's Ministry / Youth Coordinator